
HD Digital Video and Audio
Duration | 8 minutes 30 seconds

Provision derives from the works of independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist, Sir James Lovelock (UK). His controversially bleak and apocalyptic forecast of our future is accrediated to ideas first unearthed by his Gaia Hypothesis back in the ninteen sixties. Alongside his invention of the Electron Captor Detector, his several published titles in the line of the Gaia Theory can be seen as the catalyst for the world’s first steps towards the realisation of global climate demise. Through engaging in a process of enquiry into such works, the crossovers between the worlds of animism – the worldview that non-human entities such as animals, plants, and inanimate objects possess a spiritual essence – and the fictional worlds of computer simulated realities such as Lovelocks’ 1983 Daisyworld are explored within this work.


drawings 12/17


Continuum drawings